Kenka-goshi and Yowa-goshi (喧嘩腰と弱腰 - Defiant Attitude and Bearish Attitude)

May 15, 2019 23:27
Kengka-goshi and Yowa-goshi

In my post yesterday, I used the Japanese term 'kenka-goshi' (喧嘩腰), which means an attitude that you are about to start a fight/quarrel.

Since 'kenka' means "fight/quarrel" and 'goshi/koshi' (腰) means "waist," the literal meaning of 'kenkagoshi' is "a fight waist."

This is because the waist portion looks characteristics when getting ready for a fight.

Contrary to 'kenka-goshi', there is another term 'yowa-gosi' (弱腰), which means a bearish or negative attitude.

Since 'yowa' (弱) means "weak," the literal meaning of 'yowa-goshi' is "a weak waist."


「喧嘩」は "fight/quarrel"、「腰」は "waist" を意味するので、「喧嘩腰」の文字どおりの意味は "a fight waist" となります。



「弱」は "weak" を意味するので、「弱腰」の文字どおりの意味は "a weak waist" となります。
No. 1 farrah's correction
  • Kenka-goshi and Yowa-goshi (喧嘩腰と弱腰 - Defiant Attitude and Bearish Attitude)
  • Kenka-goshi and Yowa-goshi (喧嘩腰と弱腰 - Defiant Attitude and Bearish Attitude)
     Belligerence and Weakness
  • In my post yesterday, I used the Japanese term 'kenka-goshi' (喧嘩腰), which means an attitude that you are about to start a fight/quarrel.
  • In my post yesterday, I used the Japanese term, "kenka-goshi" (喧嘩腰), which is an attitude where you are about to start a fight/quarrel.
  • Since 'kenka' means "fight/quarrel" and 'goshi/koshi' (腰) means "waist," the literal meaning of 'kenkagoshi' is "a fight waist."
  • Since "kenka" means "fight/quarrel" and "goshi/koshi" (腰) means "waist," the literal meaning of "kenkagoshi" is "a fighting waist."
     '' is only for quotes inside of other quotes! For example: "The cow sad, 'moo'."
  • This is because the waist portion looks characteristics when getting ready for a fight.
  • This is because the waist portion looks characteristics stands out when one is getting ready for a fight.
  • Contrary to 'kenka-goshi', there is another term 'yowa-gosi' (弱腰), which means a bearish or negative attitude.
  • Contrary to "kenka-goshi", there is another term, "yowa-goshi" (弱腰), which means a bearish or negative attitude.
  • Since 'yowa' (弱) means "weak," the literal meaning of 'yowa-goshi' is "a weak waist."
  • Since "yowa" (弱) means "weak," the literal meaning of 'yowa-goshi' is "a weak waist.".
Wow, that was a very interesting read! I love the etymology behind Japanese words and kanji.
Thank you so much for correcting my post! :)